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Thursday, December 10, 2009


Perrydale Parents Club
Adopted by the governing body on May 4, 2006
Amended by the governing body on May 5, 2008

Article I
A. Name. The name of and location of this organization shall be Perrydale Parents Club (PPC), 7455 Perrydale Rd., Amity, Oregon 97101. All correspondence should be sent to Perrydale Parents Club, PO Box 305, Dallas, OR 97338 or emailed to

Article II
A. Mission. The mission of the Perrydale PC is as follows:
1. To nurture the relationship between home and school so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of the child.
2. To enhance the educational and extracurricular facilities and opportunities for the students of Perrydale School District that is not otherwise provided for in the school budgets.
3. To foster positive school/community relationships through fundraising and family/community activities.

Article III
A. Membership. The membership of Perrydale PC shall be:
1. All parents and/or legal guardians of students who currently attend Perrydale School.
2. All current faculty and staff.
3. All alumni, family, friends of Perrydale School.
4. All members shall be Voting Members at the attendance of their second meeting. Voting Members shall have the right to vote on all issues before the membership, to elect officers and to hold office. All members shall have the privilege of making motions and serving on committees.

Article IV
A. Officers. The Officers of the Perrydale PC shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Hospitality Chairperson. All Officers shall be members of the Executive Committee, which may, on occasion, hold meetings separate from General PC Meetings. Officers shall:
1. Give final approval of all fundraisers, activities and services to be provided during the current school year.
2. Set the calendar in the Summer for the upcoming school year.
3. Have one vote.
4. Approve the budget and financial report monthly
5. Deliver all appropriate records to the President.
6. Attend all General and Executive Committee meetings.
7. Perform the duties set forth below.
B. Officers’ Duties: The duties for each position are as follows:
President: The President shall be the principal executive officer of the organization and shall:
a. supervise and control all of the activities of the organization.
b. preside at all meetings of the organization or appoint another officer to act in their absence.
c. vote only in the case of a tie in the vote of the Executive Committee or General Membership
d. coordinate the work of the officers and be a standing member on all fundraising and activities committees.
e. be a check signer with the treasurer.
f. be the direct contact to the school and its administration.
Vice-President The Vice President shall:
a. assist the President and perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President to act.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:
a. have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the organization and shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable from all sources.
b. deposit such funds in such banks or other organizations as are selected by the Committee. The Treasurer and the President shall be the two signatories on these accounts.
c. make disbursements as authorized by the membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership.
d. present a financial report at each General Membership Meeting of the membership and at other times as requested by the Executive Committee; and shall make a full written report at the end of the current school year.
Secretary: The Secretary shall:
a. record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board Committee.
b. post the minutes, in the Perrydale Library and have copies available for the attendees at subsequent general membership and Executive Committee meetings.
c. keep a binder with the current by-laws and minutes of all the general and Executive Committee meetings throughout the year and be prepared to refer to them as necessary.
d. prepare the official list of nominees for office, tally the votes and announce election results.
e. provide an article to the school newsletter editor monthly updating on all club activities.
Hospitality Chairman: The Hospitality Chairman shall:
a. work closely with school teachers and administration providing refreshments when needed for awards, concerts and events.
b. Purchase all supplies necessary for hospitality events.

Article V
A. Meetings
1. General Membership Meetings: General meetings shall be held on a monthly basis as determined at the first general meeting of the current school year. General Meetings shall not be held during the month of July. Meetings will be held during the most uncommon work hours, i.e. before 8:30 am or after 5:30 PM weekdays, to insure that a majority of members may be present. Meetings will be advertised in the school newsletter and or with flyers sent home with students.
a. Voting procedures at general meetings will be as follows: Any member except the President (or Vice-President if acting in place of the President) may bring a motion to the floor; another voting member must second the motion. The President (or Vice President acting as President) will call the vote. There must be at least 5 voting members present to call a vote. Simple majority rules.
2. Executive Committee Meetings: May be called when an approval for funds is needed prior to the next scheduled General Membership Meeting. There must be a minimum of three Board Members present and one must be the President or the Vice President. There may be an attempt to contact all members via a common communication.
3. Work Session Meetings: As needed throughout the year, special Work Session Meetings may be called to: a. present a report of plans, projects, activities, etc., at the regular meetings.
B. Voting shall only take place at General or Executive meetings.

Article VI
A. Elections
1. Elections will be held at the last General Meeting in June of the school year.
2. Only one person will be allowed to fill each position.
3. Nominations will be taken from the floor or in writing at the May General Meeting and through flyers distributed at the schools. Only two nominees per position will be placed on the ballot. If more than two persons are nominated for a position, the current Executive Committee will conduct interviews and determine two nominees to be placed on the ballot.
4. Votes will be taken from the eligible voters present at the June General Meeting.
5. Voting results will be tallied by the Secretary and announced at the meeting.
6. Newly-elected officers will take office and begin performing their duties at the August General Meeting and will continue for one year, when an election will again be held at the June General Meeting.
7. No officer will be a full-time staff member of Perrydale School District.

Article VII
A. Benefactors the club will offer scholarships to students of Perrydale High School if funding is allowed under our status with the IRS. Support of political candidates will not be permitted
1. Scholarship
a. Scholarship information will be presented to Seniors at the same time as their Jostens or other like company distributes material to prospective graduates.
c. Candidates will be interviewed after completing an application by a minimum of three club members.
d. Recipient (s) will be required to present a short bio, goals and plans to club at September general meeting or via an acceptable proxy.
b. Recipient (s) will be required to have a 2.5 GPA for first term and be accepted and registered for second term prior to receiving funding.

Article VIII
A. Fundraising will take place with an annual auction and other fundraisers, not to exclude Bingo.
1. All state and federal laws will be investigated and followed for Bingo.

Article IX
A. Dissolution Provision: In the event that the PPC dissolves, all assets and monies become property of Perrydale School District.

October 2009 Minutes

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Mr. Dugan’s Room

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm with the following present: Helle Rudenklau, Diann Washburn, Mariam Yovino, Grace Shewmake, Kasia Marsters, Don Marsters, Julie Burg, Corinne Wallace, Susie Mendez, Jennifer Moran, Beth Bonnett, Nancy Johnston, Ginger Perkins, Paula Vincent, Marilyn Smith.

Minutes for September 2009 were approved with two corrections (under new business we deleted “PPC would pay $10/hr” and under fundraising and community events we corrected the number planned for the BBQ to be “300”)

Financial Report: Checking: $11,410.95
Money Market $9, 689.88
Jennifer’s computer is currently down and so the budget will be available at next meeting. No outstanding bills.
New Funding Requests: Middle school volleyball jerseys: The middle school volleyball jerseys> were 15 years old this year, and were "unacceptable" according to the> moms. One of the mom's understood (through the coach) that they had the> ok to go ahead and purchase new uniforms, which they then did (30 tops> and 20 shorts) for $995. It turned out the administration had not> approved this purchase and so the school would not fund it. Furthermore,> normal procedure would be to fundraise before a purchase so that was not> an option as well. Also, in the current economic climate, the school> does not want groups to request money from parents. The moms have raised> $585 so far to cover the cost of the jerseys. They will need an> additional $370 to reimburse the mom who purchased them. Motion made by> Grace, 2nd by Jennifer to fund the balance remaining (after continued> effort for money) at the next PPC meeting. Motion carried to pay the> balance ($370 or less). Helle will contact Lisa Mitchell to see if the> Boosters have made any money yet, and if they might be willing to fund> some/all of the balance.
*Clarification from the administration: The school had been told the jerseys would be donated with no cost to the district or the parents, which is one of the reasons they did not want to fund them after the fact. There is a rotation for new uniforms, and it was not time for the MS uniforms. Also, there is a procedure for fundraising. Fundraising efforts have to be cleared by the school and funds raised before a purchase, not after the fact. None of this was done.

Kindergarten scrapbooks: Paula Vincent requested for $300 to help cover the cost of 17 scrapbooks for this year. Several members present agreed that the scrapbooks are kept by the students for many years and are educational for the kindergarten students. Motion made by Mrs. Yovino, 2nd by Jennifer. Motion passed for $300

New Business: Dallas Chamber of Commerce has invited organizations to rent a table at an upcoming Halloween event. PPC declined because Perrydale has the upcoming Carnival.

Vote on Officers: Grace nominates Helle Rudenklau as the new president. Mrs. Yovino nominates Anna Scharf as the new Vice President. Both Accepted the nominations (Helle had spoken with Anna by phone earlier). Motion carried with a unanimous vote.

School Assemblies: Perrydale School has cut all funding for assemblies. Usually $2,000/yr. Mr. Deters will be meeting with the staff to help plan them if we are able to fund them. We agreed that we prefer school-wide assemblies (not just elementary) and we would like for them to be approved individually rather that as a whole.

Fundraising and Community Events: Auction!!! Shawna will not be leading the auction this year. We will miss her! Our first Auction meeting will be held on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 6:45 pm in Mr. Dugan’s room.

Back to School BBQ review: definitely was a success! Next year we will plan for more food and find out about other school activities in advance because that added to our turn out.

e-scrip: Diann reports that we now have 112 enrolled. She had a nice write-up in the school newsletter. We are currently receiving $1,200/yr

Spirit wear: Mrs. Yovino reports that the school will be selling hoodies, crew shirts, short and long sleeved T-shirts and that they are sending out a flyer on Thursday. So if PPC wants to sell other items such as stadium chairs, umbrellas, blankets, or coffee mugs she can help us find a vendor.

Hospitality: Fall sports awards not yet scheduled

Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm. Next meeting has been changed to Tuesday, November 17th at 6:45pm Mr. Dugan’s room. The next Auction meeting will be Thursday, November 12th at 6:45pm Mr. Dugan’s room

Saturday, October 24, 2009

September 2009 Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6:30 pm
Jennifer Moran’s Home

Meeting called to order at 6:34 pm with the following members present: Antonio and Suzie Mendez, Helle Rudenklau, Jennifer Moran, Lisa Mitchell, Grace Shewmake, Laila Maxon, Anna Scharf, Leanna Deters

Minutes for June 1st meeting were read and approved as written. Minutes from August 3rd were approved as written.

Financial Report: Checking: $11,308.34
Money Market: $9,686.64
Budget year runs July 1st thru June 30th

The BBQ has been purchased and only income has been from e-scrip

Old Business: Town Hall Meeting: Will most likely be held later this fall. We will ask Trina Comerford to talk to Robin Stoutt about when and where, and the agenda. Would be separate from PPC.
First Aid Kits: Grace was in contact with Robin Stoutt and the school nurse and Chris Gubrud are in charge of the kits and PPC will not need to fund this.
Hospitality Chair; Grace motioned to accept the nomination of Susie Mendez, 2nd by Jennifer, unanimous

New Business: We will be changing meeting nights to the second Tuesday of each month. Child care provided. We will use the Red Cross Babysitter list and have a donation jar for parents. Goal is to keep meetings to one hour.

We will have a budget meeting next Tuesday September 8th at 7pm at Jennifer’s house

We need to update our contact list. Grace will work on this.

Funding Requests: No new requests. The Battle of the Books request has been tabled for more information about how the money can be spent.

Hospitality: New Hospitality Chairperson is Susie Mendez
Home (503) 585-7657 Cell (503) 851-3100 or (503) 851-3327

Fundraising and Community Events: Back to School BBQ Friday, September 11th. Set up begins at 2:30, serve food 4-6pm Anna Scharf will purchase the food, plan for 300 to eat

Auction will be on the October agenda.

Dates of Importance: Back to School BBQ Sept. 11th
Budget Meeting: Tuesday, Sept 8th at &pm Jennifer’s house
Next Meeting : Tuesday, October 13th at 7:00 pm Mr. Dugan’s room

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


The PPC welcomes you to the 2009/10 school year. Anyone who cares about the Perrydale School Community is welcome to come to meetings. You are eligible to become a voting member at your second meeting of attendance.

The PPC offices of President and Hospitality are currently open. Please contact us via email or speak to current officers:

Vice President -- Helle Ruddenklau
Secretary -- Grace Shewmake
Treasurer -- Jennifer Moran

June 09 Minutes


Monday, June 1, 2009

Mr. Dugan’s Room 6:30 pm

Meeting called to order at 6:40pm with the following present: Helle Ruddenklau, Sabrina Luffman, Leanna Deters, Shawna Stouder, Miriam Yovino, Anna Scharf, Jennifer Moran, Trina Comerford.

Minutes from previous meeting May 4 were accepted as written.

Financial Report:

Checking $12,755.73

Money Market $ 9,683.40

Total $22,439.13

New Funding Requests:

1) Mrs. Riley requests $400 - $450 to purchase books for the 2009/10 Battle of the Books. Jennifer moved to approve up to $450 for books. 2nd by Helle. Motion passed

2) Ms. Matthews requests $130 for the purchase of an IPod dock for the music dept. IPod. The IPod dock will serve as both speakers and charger for the IPod. Sabrina made a motion to approve. 2nd by Jennifer. Motion passed.

3) Ms. Matthews requests $1200 for funding for her certification in Level 1 Kodaly and for the cost to complete the Kodaly level 2 workshop. Shawna moved to deny. 2nd by Sabrina. Motion failed.

4) Leanna requests up to $150 to purchase lunch for the 3 Red Cross Babysitter classes she will be teaching in June. Helle moved to approve. 2nd by Sabrina. Motion passed.

5) Leanna requests up to $150 to purchase babysitter kits for the kids that complete the babysitter course. Jennifer moved to approve. 2nd by Sabrina. Motion passed. Anna volunteered to help Leanna purchase and assemble babysitter kits.

Old Business:


Grace Shewmake has been nominated for Secretary and has accepted that nomination.

Helle Ruddenklau has been nominated for Vice President and has accepted that nomination.

Jennifer Moran has been nominated for Treasurer and has accepted the bookkeeping portion of that position.

President position still vacant

Hospitality position still vacant

Transportation costs for the 2010 8th grade trip. It was confirmed that the cost would be $2500. The school will not be able to cover this cost next year. It was brought to the PPC’s attention that this may be a funding request next year.

New Business:


Secretary: Grace was unanimously elected.

Vice President: Helle was unanimously elected.

Treasurer: Jennifer was unanimously elected.

Town Hall Meeting: Trina presented a concern among some parents about the financial future of the school. She would like the PPC to help her in conducting a town hall meeting with the school board members to help address parental concerns. Everyone was in agreement that a town hall meeting could be a really good way to address many parental concerns. Trina will make arrangements. She will ask for help as needs arise. She is hoping to make this happen in the next couple of weeks.

Fundraising and Community Events:

Red Cross Babysitter Certification courses will be June 5th, 12th and 16th.

School Registration: Aug 11 & 12.


PPC providing Otter Pops the last day of school. Leanna already has them in her freezer.

Dates of Importance:

Next meeting will be Monday Aug 3rd at Jennifer Moran’s house. 13195 Sunnyside Rd. Turn onto Coyote Run from Sunnyside.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


What do you want Perrydale to be?

Now more than ever, Perrydale kids need you to decide and commit to helping the Perrydale School Community in some way.

You could volunteer in the classroom, attend School Board or Budget Committee meetings, come to Anything Is Possible at Perrydale meetings, volunteer to coach a sports team or help with the music/drama program, or you could become an active member of the


The PPC is now looking for board members who care about and are excited about building support for Perrydale School. You could become a major influence on decisions made for support of Perrydale by serving as a PPC officer for the 2009/2010 school year. Officer positions and duties are listed below. If you’re ready to step up to the plate, please read on!

And thank you…for the many ways you contribute to this wonderful school.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for any of these posistions or have any questions, please contact Leanna Deters at 503-831-3303 or email by May 1, 2009.

The Officers of the Perrydale PC shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Hospitality Chairperson. All Officers shall be members of the Executive Committee, which may, on occasion, hold meetings separate from General PC Meetings. Officers shall:
1. Give final approval of all fundraisers, activities and services to be provided during the current school year.
2. Set the calendar in the Summer for the upcoming school year.
3. Have one vote.
4. Approve the budget and financial report monthly
5. Deliver all appropriate records to the President.
6. Attend all General and Executive Committee meetings.
7. Perform the duties set forth below.

Officers’ Duties: The duties for each position are as follows

President: The President shall be the principal executive officer of the organization and shall:
a. supervise and control all of the activities of the organization.
b. preside at all meetings of the organization or appoint another officer to act in their absence.
c. vote only in the case of a tie in the vote of the Executive Committee or General Membership
d. coordinate the work of the officers and be a standing member on all fundraising and activities committees.
e. be a check signer with the treasurer.
f. be the direct contact to the school and its administration

Vice-President The Vice President shall:
a. assist the President and perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President to act.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:
a. have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the organization and shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable from all sources.
b. deposit such funds in such banks or other organizations as are selected by the Committee. The Treasurer and the President shall be the two signatories on these accounts.
c. make disbursements as authorized by the membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership.
d. present a financial report at each General Membership Meeting of the membership and at other times as requested by the Executive Committee; and shall make a full written report at the end of the current school year.

Secretary: The Secretary shall:
a. record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board Committee.
b. post the minutes, in the Perrydale Library and have copies available for the attendees at subsequent general membership and Executive Committee meetings.
c. keep a binder with the current by-laws and minutes of all the general and Executive Committee meetings throughout the year and be prepared to refer to them as necessary.
d. prepare the official list of nominees for office, tally the votes and announce election results.
e. provide an article to the school newsletter editor monthly updating on all club activities.

Hospitality Chairman: The Hospitality Chairman shall:
a. work closely with school teachers and administration providing refreshments when needed for awards, concerts and events.
b. purchase all supplies necessary for hospitality events.

Minutes February 09

Perrrydale Parent’s Club Meeting Minutes
Monday,February 2, 2009 Mr. Dugan’s Room

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm. The following members present: Leanna Deters, Helle Ruddenklau, Shawna Stouder, Grace Shewmake, Tracy McKee, Jennifer Moran

Minutes from previous meeting on January 5, 2009 approved as written.

Financial Report: Jennifer provided a Profit & Loss Statement for July 1, 2008-Jan 23, 2009. Also a Balance Sheet dated Jan. 23, 2009. Current Checking $7,414.73 Current Money Market $9,672.02

Funding Requests: Tables-Lowe’s has resin 8’ tables for $88. Motion to approve up to $1,200 for 12 tables by Jennifer. Second by Helle. Motion passed.

Old Business: None
New Business: Auction-see below
Fundraising and Community Events: Auction!! This Saturday. Set up time will begin at Noon on Friday and at 9am on Saturday.
Junior Class is doing child care if not enough kids to watch we will place them in other areas to keep them busy. Will see if Domino's will deliver again this year.
Ben, Helle, and Janice on computers.
FFA kids will help set up, decorate, and help at the auction
Mock run through Friday 7pm
Middle school concessions: okay at silent auction only. They will not be provided with dinner tickets.
Spirit wear: Christy and Corinne
Silent Auction closers: Tracy McKee, Hutch and FFA kids
Dinner ticket collectors: BJ and her servers
Oral auction spotters; FFA kids- will wear pirate bandannas
Oral auction recorder: Grace with FFA kids as runners
Desserts: Grace will decorate tables- so far about 40 expected

Hospitality: None at this time
Dates of Importance: Auction this Saturday, Silent begins at 4pm, Dinner begins at 6pm
Adjourned: 7:45pm

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Minutes January 09

Perrydale Parent’s Club Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 5, 2009

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm. The following members present: Leanna Deters, Miriam Yovino, Shawna Stouder, Grace Shewmake, Jennifer Moran, Dean Deters.

Minutes from previous meeting December 1, 2008 were accepted as written (motion by Shawna).

Financial Report: Jennifer will update and e-mail to members. Transfer of $8,000 was made from money market to checking to cover auction expenses.

New Funding Requests: Dean Deters representing the elementary and middle school staff requested $1,608 for a two-part reading program.
a) “Reading Counts” for 3-5th grades: update the current software and procure all tests available for the program.
b) “Scholastic Reading Program” for grades 3-8: update current software and have tech support for staff
Motion to accept by Grace, Second by Jennifer. Motion Passed (Will be funded thru the academic fund).
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Fundraising and Community Events:
Soliciting List- Leanna will e-mail.
Ticket reservations and donor slips: we are going to use generic sales order books. Get name, address, phone number, e-mail and sellers name on bottom. Also write a good description of the donated item and give the yellow copy to the donor. Reservations will be held until 6pm. If they pay cash, make a note on the ticket, if not, they can pay at the auction with cash, check or visa. Dinner tickets will be regular event tickets. Deadline for donations and ticket sales is January 23.
Decorations: Julie Domes will do table décor and displays for the live auction.
Entertainment: We are hoping the dance class can perform or some square dancers.
Certificates: Shawna will be printing and organizing. She is also printing the bid sheets.
Computer help: Leanna will check with the tech class and Ben Helvie will also be helping.
Child care: Grace will ask the Junior class, if they decline we will ask Miss Spencer and the Leadership class. The child care fee will be $10/child. Last year we had 58 children and spent $200 on food and had a$400 profit. The class will need to plan on 3:30 – 9:30 pm. We will ask Sabrina about purchasing the food again this year.
Desserts: Grace will organize
Spotters: We will ask the Equestrian team so that they may dress within our Ho-down theme and we will also ask them about decorating the entry way will hay, saddles, and tack.
Silent Auction: Display, we will need help setting this up
Auctioneer: we will ask Doug Barnes
Program: Leanna will send to the printer by January 29th.
Class/group projects: Leanna will distribute a letter to the staff. Class baskets will need to be in by the deadline of January 23.
Tables: Grace was able to locate 15 from one church so it was decided to rent all from one place.
Spirit Wear: We will ask Kristi about setting up a table of spirit wear at the auction.
Auction pay Terminals: Leanna will take care of.
Extra work Sessions: Monday, January 12th at 6:30 pm Mr. Dugan’s room

Hospitality: None at this time
Dates of Importance: Next meeting Monday, February 2, 6:30 pm Mr. Dugan’s Room.
Adjourned: 7:57pm


Thanks to you all, the auction was a great success. Perrydale School is strongly supported by those in and out of the community.

We now invite you to share with us your opinions on how PPC funds should be spent. You may attend PPC meetings the first Monday of each month except July or email us and let us know your dreams for Perrydale School.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Auction February 7, 2009

Dear Friends,

Perrydale Parents’ Club would like to personally invite you to join us at our annual auction to benefit Perrydale School. The event will be held on

Saturday, February 7, 2009
at Perrydale School

Take a moment to consider how you can help our students at Perrydale.
Your attendance at our auction
A cash donation
Donation of an auction item
You can help supplement our successful programs at Perrydale School. Perrydale Parent’s Club is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

Join us for an evening of visiting with old friends and generous bidding to benefit our school. Mark your calendar, so you don’t miss this community event and opportunity to support our school.
Beginning at 4:00 PM, there will be:
Silent auction
Dessert auction
Oral auction

Donations can be made to:

Perrydale Parents Club
PO Box 305
Dallas, OR 97338

*Receipts will be provided for your tax deductible contributions.
Please provide contributions or donations prior to January 23, 2009.

Tickets are $15.00 each. Your ticket purchase includes dinner and auction bid number. Child care is available for kids 5th grade and under for $10 per child. For tickets, donations or information email , contact any PPC member, or call:

Leanna Deters (503) 831-3303
Shawna Stouder (503) 623-4437
Helle Ruddenklau (503) 835-7941

December 2008 Minutes

Perrydale Parents Club Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 1, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm. The following members present: Grace Shewmake, Shawna Stouder, Jennifer Moran, Helle Ruddenklau, Leanna Deters.

Minutes from previous meeting November 3, 2008 were approved as written (motion by Grace).

Financial Report: Checking : $3, 144.90
Money Market: $ 16, 668.76
We received $105.62 from e-scrip. No outstanding requests at this time.
Jennifer will transfer $7,000 from savings to checking to cover the auction expenses.
The choir dresses were approved by an executive meeting ($234).

New Requests for Funds: Robin Stoutt and Craig Howlett request purchase of a second defibrillator for the new gym. This would provide one defib machine for each building complex. The machine cost is $1,500. Craig Howlett has offered to pay $500 of that if the PPC pays the other $1,000. Total requested is $1,000.
Tabled at this time. We will place this item on our “wish list” for after the February auction and promote this as a specialty item that can be specifically donated to at the auction.

Jennifer will locate the “wish list” for this upcoming year that was composed by the site council.

Old Business: Hutch has provided a list of materials for the storage room shelves. Leanna has visited area hardware stores and Sheridan Building Supply is donating 20- 8’ 2x4’s. The remainder of the lumber and supplies is estimated at $200. We also still need several clear storage totes (Sabrina is purchasing those). Jennifer made a motion that we keep the storage budget under $650. 2nd by Helle. Motion passed.

New Business: We would like to obtain a copy of the school budget. Grace will ask Julie the school accountant.

Fund raising and Community Events: Spirit wear has been ordered along with extra for sale.

Hospitality: Holiday food packing- we will provide food and snacks for the students that are packing.

Christmas Program: Sabrina may need help.

Auction: Shawna’s been busy! She has already been working on soliciting and has received several certificates.
Helle will solicit Rickreall area including Ag West, Polk County Fair. Leanna will ask the U of O. Leanna will e-mail the auction letter to all PPC contacts. We discussed auction software, entering merging, and printing.

Tickets- Discussed weather or not to have paper tickets this year; computer entry reservations vs. pay at the door. There will be 250 tickets/reservations. It was decided that if we run out of dinner tickets, people can still come to the auction and bid for free. But if there are dinner tickets still available at the door people must purchase them to attend the auction.

Decorations: Lisa Mitchell may be working on (Shawna will contact her). We will use the bandannas (Leanna will check with Miriam to see if she ordered extra), galvanized pails filled with stones with the possibility of having the first graders decorate cowboy boot cut-outs to put in them.

Display boards: Grace will donate cardboard and Leanna will ask Julie Domes to help with her creativity again this year.

Leanna will ask about the computer tech class about helping this year and we still need to find an organization willing to help close our auction in exchange for us helping them or donating to them.

Class baskets: Leanna will offer the opportunity in a letter to all classes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm
Next meeting is Monday, January 5th at 6:30pm. Happy Holidays!