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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:45pm
Mr. Dugan’s Room

Meeting called to order at 6:55pm with the following members present: Nancy Johnston, Helle Rudenklau, Anna Scharf, Susie Mendez, Jennifer Moran, Corinne Wallace, Grace Shewmake.

Budget Report: Checking $5,261.48 Money Market $13,484.17 ($5,000.00 was transferred to checking to cover expenses). Balance Sheet as of Feb. 16 and Profit & Loss July1-Feb 15th were presented.

New Funding Requests: None. Anna presented the new and revised Funding Request Form.

Old Business:
·School Assemblies: First assembly will be Thursday, Feb. 18th by OMSI
·Library Books: Have been funded by other means
·Staff Wish List: Total $3,345.21 (see attached report available on hard copy only) Some staff pooled their funds together. Received very good response and staff have been very grateful. Thank you Helle for your hard work completing the purchases!

New Business:
· Anna introduced information on grants from Pepsi project. next deadline may be March 1st.

·Auction Report: Deadline for donations will be March 1st! Anna is working with the Statesman Journal for a news article that will publish soon. There will be a photo taken of students by the new PPC funded drinking fountain.

We discussed having the preschool included in the auction. Anna will ask Robin about getting her okay on Friday.

Nancy reported that Dallas High School catering class has been confirmed. They will need a preliminary head count soon and a final count by March 5th.

Hoping to confirm Doug Barnes as auctioneer soon. Back up auctioneer will be Dean Laube if Doug declines.

We will be renting tables from Jaime’s brother again. $8 or $9 per table (32 tables depending on ticket sales.

Need to start calling tree from school contact list. Anna Has lots of tickets!!!

Hospitality: Susie has received a cookie list from the office. Next event will be the career day this Friday and then awards in May.

Dates of Importance:
Next Auction Meeting Thursday, Feb. 25th at 6:45pm Mr. Dugan’s room.
Special Auction Meeting will be March 9th at 6:45 Mr. Dugan’s Room
Next Meeting March 16th 6:45 pm Mr. Dugan’s room.

Adjourned 7:50pm

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