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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:45pm
Mr. Dugan’s Room

Meeting called to order at 6:55pm with the following members present: Nancy Johnston, Helle Rudenklau, Anna Scharf, Susie Mendez, Jennifer Moran, Corinne Wallace, Grace Shewmake.

Budget Report: Checking $5,261.48 Money Market $13,484.17 ($5,000.00 was transferred to checking to cover expenses). Balance Sheet as of Feb. 16 and Profit & Loss July1-Feb 15th were presented.

New Funding Requests: None. Anna presented the new and revised Funding Request Form.

Old Business:
·School Assemblies: First assembly will be Thursday, Feb. 18th by OMSI
·Library Books: Have been funded by other means
·Staff Wish List: Total $3,345.21 (see attached report available on hard copy only) Some staff pooled their funds together. Received very good response and staff have been very grateful. Thank you Helle for your hard work completing the purchases!

New Business:
· Anna introduced information on grants from Pepsi project. next deadline may be March 1st.

·Auction Report: Deadline for donations will be March 1st! Anna is working with the Statesman Journal for a news article that will publish soon. There will be a photo taken of students by the new PPC funded drinking fountain.

We discussed having the preschool included in the auction. Anna will ask Robin about getting her okay on Friday.

Nancy reported that Dallas High School catering class has been confirmed. They will need a preliminary head count soon and a final count by March 5th.

Hoping to confirm Doug Barnes as auctioneer soon. Back up auctioneer will be Dean Laube if Doug declines.

We will be renting tables from Jaime’s brother again. $8 or $9 per table (32 tables depending on ticket sales.

Need to start calling tree from school contact list. Anna Has lots of tickets!!!

Hospitality: Susie has received a cookie list from the office. Next event will be the career day this Friday and then awards in May.

Dates of Importance:
Next Auction Meeting Thursday, Feb. 25th at 6:45pm Mr. Dugan’s room.
Special Auction Meeting will be March 9th at 6:45 Mr. Dugan’s Room
Next Meeting March 16th 6:45 pm Mr. Dugan’s room.

Adjourned 7:50pm

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Perrydale Parents Club
Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2009 6:45 pm Mr. Dugan’s Room

Meeting called to order at 6:45 pm with the following members present: Helle Rudenklau, Grace Shewmake, Mariam Yovino, Diann Washburn, Kasia Marsters, Christy Starr, Jennifer Moran, Julie Burg, Anna Scharf, Corinne Wallace, Ginger Perkins, Nancy Johnston

Greetings: and approval October Minutes with the following correction: PPC will NOT be selling spirit wear.

Financial Report: Jennifer transferred some of our checking into our money market fund for better interest.
Checking: $2,500.00 Money Market $18, 484.17
Outstanding payment: Check for $285 to Blue Mountain Creations for the middle school volleyball uniform balance. (Photo of girls in the uniforms to be provided to PPC)

New Funding Requests:
1) Library (Anne Riley)- request for $1,091.91 to update a series of books covering the US States. We discussed new vs old. We learned that the newest edition of these books is 2003 and that they are available in both hard and soft cover. Corinne will investigate further. Grace motioned to table for next meeting in order to get more information. 2nd by Christy. Motion carried to table the request.
2) Dean Deters-request for $750 to purchase tech support and site license for the Scholastic Reading Inventory and Reading Counts computer programs. Discussion was held regarding ongoing costs (will this be a request again next year?), total students using the program, etc. Motion to deny made by Jennifer, 2nd by Grace. Motion carried. Request denied.

Old Business: School assemblies- Dean Deters just recently received the paperwork for several options. Will keep us posted.

New business: Jodi Miller, the school counselor wanted to let PPC know that Perrydale received a free grant for K-5 kids to be a part of Safe Kids Juliette’s House in McMinnville for abused children and their families. They offer education, prevention, and intervention techniques.

PPC would like to receive a “wish list” from the school staff for future funding from our 2010 auction. Grace will work on.

Fundraising and Community Events:
Auction Report: Auction meeting was held on November 12th. Donations are coming In !! Kasia will ask the Volcano’s. Nancy is working on an updated solicitation and assignment list. Will e-mail a spread sheet for those signed up to solicit donations.
Also working on teacher baskets. A “Save the Date” sticker will go out in the next school newsletter. Christy will add Sunday after the auction on our facility request form for clean up. Nancy will attend a free auction pay seminar or webinar. There will be a table at the auction set aside for spirit wear to be sold.

Hospitality: Susie needs a key for the shed. Grace will copy our storage key and will ask Robin about a copy of the shed key.

Dates of Importance: Auction Meeting December 10th at 6:45pm. Next meeting Tuesday, December 15th at 6:45 pm Mr. Dugan’s room

Closing adjourned 7:57pm
December 15, 2009 at 6:45pm Mr. Dugan’s Room

Meeting called to order at 6:50 pm with the following present: Anna Scharf, Helle Rudenklau, Nancy Johnston, Jennifer Moran, Grace Shewmake, Anne Riley, Miriam Yovino, Leanna Deters, Robin Stoutt, Chris Gubrud, Lisa Mitchell, Brooke Spencer, Corinne Wallace, Dianna Godbey, and Susi Mendez.
Greeting: Minutes from previous meeting of November 17, 2009 were approved as written.
Budget: Current Balances: Checking $2,200 Money Market $18,486
One outstanding request and Helle turned in a few receipts
Jennifer presented profit and Loss Statement July-Nov.2009 and also a Profit & Loss Budget Performance July-Nov. 2009.
Anna made the motion to approve this budget, 2nd by Nancy. Motion carries to approve the budget.
Strategic Planning Session: Current By-Laws were handed out. Helle read aloud our Mission Statement. Open to comments on the Mission Statement. No comments were made. Helle stated that she heard PPC started as a means to get a school library. Robin stated that it was originally started to purchase math curriculum books for $20,000.
Staff Input Session: Robin addressed the funding request procedure. The reason that she signs off on our current funding request form is so that she can be sure and check the school budget first. She and the staff do a lot of research before turning in the requests. Once received by PPC they are urgent needs and PPC should trust that she and the staff have already done the research.
Robin also stated that the budget has been cut by 20% this year. She stated that the software budget that pays for virus protection was short and that these costs were higher this year.

Miss Riley said that the costs had also changed for the SRI tests that go with the books and software (previously purchased by PPC).

Robin asked if Miriam would still be the staff liaison to PPC for financial requests as the staff member could not be expected to attend meetings to request in person. Jennifer mentioned the PPC perspective. We often have questions that Miriam can not answer. Others’ input was how parents like to have input and to know exactly where the funds are being used. It is important that the school administration not get to decide, but PPC does. It was also pointed out that most PPC member also hold full time jobs and family obligations and that having a staff liaison takes away the interaction.
Discussion on funding request process: Robin asked how does the PPC “wish list” work. Leanna went to the staff last year and asked them to pick three things. We also added from the School Wide Improvement Day ideas and our own suggestions. The PPC voted and put together a priority list from that.
Robin is worried that as funds get tighter and how will it be equal for every teacher. Jennifer stated that the staff should not take offense if a request doesn’t pass because PPC is a democracy and it is the fairest way (it may not be equal for each teacher).
Grace stated that PPC used to give each teacher/staff member $100/year for whatever they wanted.
Corinne stated that she didn’t think PPC should need a wish list and should focus more on the basic needs.
Mrs. Godbey stated that she uses the SRI software grades 3-8. She tests all her students at the beginning of the school year and that our license only covers a certain number of students. Brooke stated that she has used the program twice already this year for most of her students and that Mr. Deters uses the program as well.

Robin Stoutt stated more than once that she would like to offer PPC a focus.

PPC stressed the need to “amend” the funding request form to make things more clean. Anna agreed to help with updating the form and make sure that it has a revision date on it and all old copies replaced. It also needs to be placed on our blog page. Finally, someone from the PPC needs to attend a future staff meeting to make sure that the “process” is clear to staff and answer any questions that they may have regarding the PPC funding process.
Old Business: Previous funding request which was denied for the library state book set. Miss Riley stated that she will re-submit the request later.
New Business: Grants- Robin stated that she would need to know what the grant was about first to be sure that it wasn’t already in the budget. They also don't want to apply for grants that may place a heavy time burden on staff to comply with reporting requirements. Some grants are more work than they are worth. All grant writing must be pre-approved by her first. PPC Members agreed that they would look into grant opportunities and take responsibility for writing the grants but that they must be approved by Robin and by the PPC board first.
New Funding Requests:
1)Chis Gubrud presented a request for 24 sets of new girls’ white basketball uniforms. The current uniforms are on their 7th year of use and many of the numbers are peeling off. The total cost would be $2,000 but have obtained funding from MAPS fund, carnival, and school budget for all but $250. The current uniforms will be handed down to the middle school. A community member has donated the funds to purchase news boys uniforms. The school budget has been cut to $800 per year (?) for $1800 per year and alternates between girls, boys and by sport.
Jennifer asked Lisa about the new Booster’s Club. Lisa said it is still new and just getting started and currently only have $300. They would like to begin helping next school year 2010-1011.

Anna asked Chris how soon would the uniforms be available. He stated that they should arrive by January 1st. Corinne asked how long does the middle school use the handed down uniforms. Chris answered about five years. It sounds like a long time but our middle school uniforms still look nicer than most other schools. There is no budget for middle school uniforms. They have always used the handed down ones.

Jennifer made a motion to grant, 2nd by Grace. Motion carried for $250.

2) Re-submission of tech support request for $750 for the SRI program. Nancy made a motion to grant, 2nd by Jennifer. Motion carried to fund $750.
Funding and Community Events/Auction Report: Nancy reported that donations continue to come in. Many previous donors have declined this year most likely due to the economy. Lisa asked if room parents should be contacted to be in charge of the auction basket for their classrooms. PPC is still waiting for a catering quote from BJ but so far the Dallas High School catering class is the only quote received that falls into our budget. Robin asked about individuals sponsoring tables again this year. In the past it was fun to do and that each sponsor decorated and provided the dinner ware for their table. This idea will be taken to the auction committee’s next meeting.
Hospitality: Robin will make a “cookie calendar” and put it in the PPC box for Susie.
Closing: Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm Next meeting will be January 19th at 6:45pm in Mr. Dugan’s room. Next Auction Meeting January 14, 2010 at 6:45pm in Mr. Dugan’s room.