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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


What do you want Perrydale to be?

Now more than ever, Perrydale kids need you to decide and commit to helping the Perrydale School Community in some way.

You could volunteer in the classroom, attend School Board or Budget Committee meetings, come to Anything Is Possible at Perrydale meetings, volunteer to coach a sports team or help with the music/drama program, or you could become an active member of the


The PPC is now looking for board members who care about and are excited about building support for Perrydale School. You could become a major influence on decisions made for support of Perrydale by serving as a PPC officer for the 2009/2010 school year. Officer positions and duties are listed below. If you’re ready to step up to the plate, please read on!

And thank you…for the many ways you contribute to this wonderful school.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for any of these posistions or have any questions, please contact Leanna Deters at 503-831-3303 or email by May 1, 2009.

The Officers of the Perrydale PC shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Hospitality Chairperson. All Officers shall be members of the Executive Committee, which may, on occasion, hold meetings separate from General PC Meetings. Officers shall:
1. Give final approval of all fundraisers, activities and services to be provided during the current school year.
2. Set the calendar in the Summer for the upcoming school year.
3. Have one vote.
4. Approve the budget and financial report monthly
5. Deliver all appropriate records to the President.
6. Attend all General and Executive Committee meetings.
7. Perform the duties set forth below.

Officers’ Duties: The duties for each position are as follows

President: The President shall be the principal executive officer of the organization and shall:
a. supervise and control all of the activities of the organization.
b. preside at all meetings of the organization or appoint another officer to act in their absence.
c. vote only in the case of a tie in the vote of the Executive Committee or General Membership
d. coordinate the work of the officers and be a standing member on all fundraising and activities committees.
e. be a check signer with the treasurer.
f. be the direct contact to the school and its administration

Vice-President The Vice President shall:
a. assist the President and perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President to act.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall:
a. have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the organization and shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable from all sources.
b. deposit such funds in such banks or other organizations as are selected by the Committee. The Treasurer and the President shall be the two signatories on these accounts.
c. make disbursements as authorized by the membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership.
d. present a financial report at each General Membership Meeting of the membership and at other times as requested by the Executive Committee; and shall make a full written report at the end of the current school year.

Secretary: The Secretary shall:
a. record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board Committee.
b. post the minutes, in the Perrydale Library and have copies available for the attendees at subsequent general membership and Executive Committee meetings.
c. keep a binder with the current by-laws and minutes of all the general and Executive Committee meetings throughout the year and be prepared to refer to them as necessary.
d. prepare the official list of nominees for office, tally the votes and announce election results.
e. provide an article to the school newsletter editor monthly updating on all club activities.

Hospitality Chairman: The Hospitality Chairman shall:
a. work closely with school teachers and administration providing refreshments when needed for awards, concerts and events.
b. purchase all supplies necessary for hospitality events.

Minutes February 09

Perrrydale Parent’s Club Meeting Minutes
Monday,February 2, 2009 Mr. Dugan’s Room

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm. The following members present: Leanna Deters, Helle Ruddenklau, Shawna Stouder, Grace Shewmake, Tracy McKee, Jennifer Moran

Minutes from previous meeting on January 5, 2009 approved as written.

Financial Report: Jennifer provided a Profit & Loss Statement for July 1, 2008-Jan 23, 2009. Also a Balance Sheet dated Jan. 23, 2009. Current Checking $7,414.73 Current Money Market $9,672.02

Funding Requests: Tables-Lowe’s has resin 8’ tables for $88. Motion to approve up to $1,200 for 12 tables by Jennifer. Second by Helle. Motion passed.

Old Business: None
New Business: Auction-see below
Fundraising and Community Events: Auction!! This Saturday. Set up time will begin at Noon on Friday and at 9am on Saturday.
Junior Class is doing child care if not enough kids to watch we will place them in other areas to keep them busy. Will see if Domino's will deliver again this year.
Ben, Helle, and Janice on computers.
FFA kids will help set up, decorate, and help at the auction
Mock run through Friday 7pm
Middle school concessions: okay at silent auction only. They will not be provided with dinner tickets.
Spirit wear: Christy and Corinne
Silent Auction closers: Tracy McKee, Hutch and FFA kids
Dinner ticket collectors: BJ and her servers
Oral auction spotters; FFA kids- will wear pirate bandannas
Oral auction recorder: Grace with FFA kids as runners
Desserts: Grace will decorate tables- so far about 40 expected

Hospitality: None at this time
Dates of Importance: Auction this Saturday, Silent begins at 4pm, Dinner begins at 6pm
Adjourned: 7:45pm