Perrydale Parents Club Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 8, 2008
Meeting called to order at 6:34 pm; The following members present: Grace Shewmake, Jennifer Moran, Shawna Stouder, Sabrina Luffman, Miriam Yovino, Sheila McCartney, Leanna Deters, Helle Ruddenklau, Heather Awlasewicz, Prairie Oak, Corinne Wallace.
Minutes from previous meeting were approved. (Shawna moved to approve, 2nd by Sabrina, passed to approve)
Financial Report: Checking: $9,949.69
Money Market: $16,652.10
$230 still outstanding for BBQ.
Requests for Funds: Discussion on budget amount vs. actual amount we have available to honor requests- approximately $8,000 to spend on funding requests until after auction.
Sheila McCartney request for a new office chair up to $100 to replace the one she gave to Dugan because he didn't have one in his high school classroom. Motion by Grace, 2nd by Helle, Motion Passed.
Sheila also requested a body systems learning aide package for the science department. $360 will be funded through the PPC academic fund. Motion was made by Grace, 2nd by Helle. Motion passed.
Benches & Tables- Amended previous funding request: Robin Stoutt and Miriam Yovino request three picnic smooth top ($200 each=$600) and two plastic coated metal benches for the playground ($250/each= $500). Materials and labor have been provided by the school to set the benches in concrete. Motion for up to $1200 made by Shawna, 2nd by Grace. Motion passed.
The PPC's funding request to purchase 8 utility tables. Was amended because the cost of the tables has gone up from what it was when we first approved purchase. 8 folding utility tables ($100/each=$800) for 8 utility tables for the play shed activities
Motion for up to $800 by Jennifer, 2nd by Shawna. Motion passed.
Battle of the Books- Corinne has purchased the prizes and materials as agreed in prior funding request.
Ms. Matthews has requested wireless microphones at approx $800 each. (Tabled at last meeting) clarified that they would be available for school-wide use; $1600 for two wireless microphones. Motion made by Jennifer, 2nd by Miriam. Motion passed.
Outdoor Fountains- Miriam Yovino- $1,310 with river rock, will be winterized and shut off in summer. Motion by Helle, 2nd by Sabrina. Motion passed.
Reimbursement to Mrs. Yovino for digital camera and charger for $151.13, school-wide use. Motion by Grace, 2nd by Sabrina. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Leanna has purchased a lantern for the storage shed.
Changes in By-Laws; still waiting for the IRS to reply.
Will be held at Perrydale.
BJ Knoffler brought her bid down to $10.75/plate. BBQ ribs, chicken drumsticks, salad, corn on the cob, potato wedges, soup in a cup, punch, coffee, servers will wear costumes. Motion by Grace to accept BJ’s bid. 2nd by Shawna Stouder Motion passed. Shawna will sign the contract with BJ.
Helle is able to donate the corn.
We will need to pay to use the kitchen and the cost has risen from last year. Leanna will check on cost of using kitchen.
Pop may be donated so we may not need the punch.
Suggestion made that the soup be vegetarian.
Donation letter. Leanna will have copies available at next meeting for everyone. She suggested that we start by asking by phone, in person, and email. Then send letters if they are requested. Time to start asking!! We purchased “Forever” stamps last year and there are stamped envelopes available if needed. Calling lists will be available next meeting.
Leanna is checking out C_Market- an on-line site for auction, bidders can bid on-line if they can’t be at the auction. She will give a report on how it works next meeting to see if we would like to use it to enhance our auction this year.
eScrip: Leanna will contact Shawna Kellum to get info on eScrip access.
Hospitality: Audrey will be e-mailing the event calendar to Sabrina. Fall Sports Awards in November is next event.
Registration and Community BBQ were great successes. The drawing for the Sea Echo tickets (or substitute prize of a $50 gift card) winner is…Allison Bronemann!
Adjourned at 8:12pm
Next meeting: Monday, October 6th at 6:30 pm in Dugan's Room