Wednesday, August 05, 2009
The PPC offices of President and Hospitality are currently open. Please contact us via email or speak to current officers:
Vice President -- Helle Ruddenklau
Secretary -- Grace Shewmake
Treasurer -- Jennifer Moran
June 09 Minutes
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mr. Dugan’s Room 6:30 pm
Meeting called to order at 6:40pm with the following present: Helle Ruddenklau, Sabrina Luffman, Leanna Deters, Shawna Stouder, Miriam Yovino, Anna Scharf, Jennifer Moran, Trina Comerford.
Minutes from previous meeting May 4 were accepted as written.
Financial Report:
Checking $12,755.73
Money Market $ 9,683.40
Total $22,439.13
New Funding Requests:
1) Mrs. Riley requests $400 - $450 to purchase books for the 2009/10 Battle of the Books. Jennifer moved to approve up to $450 for books. 2nd by Helle. Motion passed
2) Ms. Matthews requests $130 for the purchase of an IPod dock for the music dept. IPod. The IPod dock will serve as both speakers and charger for the IPod. Sabrina made a motion to approve. 2nd by Jennifer. Motion passed.
3) Ms. Matthews requests $1200 for funding for her certification in Level 1 Kodaly and for the cost to complete the Kodaly level 2 workshop. Shawna moved to deny. 2nd by Sabrina. Motion failed.
4) Leanna requests up to $150 to purchase lunch for the 3 Red Cross Babysitter classes she will be teaching in June. Helle moved to approve. 2nd by Sabrina. Motion passed.
5) Leanna requests up to $150 to purchase babysitter kits for the kids that complete the babysitter course. Jennifer moved to approve. 2nd by Sabrina. Motion passed. Anna volunteered to help Leanna purchase and assemble babysitter kits.
Old Business:
Grace Shewmake has been nominated for Secretary and has accepted that nomination.
Helle Ruddenklau has been nominated for Vice President and has accepted that nomination.
Jennifer Moran has been nominated for Treasurer and has accepted the bookkeeping portion of that position.
President position still vacant
Hospitality position still vacant
Transportation costs for the 2010 8th grade trip. It was confirmed that the cost would be $2500. The school will not be able to cover this cost next year. It was brought to the PPC’s attention that this may be a funding request next year.
New Business:
Secretary: Grace was unanimously elected.
Vice President: Helle was unanimously elected.
Treasurer: Jennifer was unanimously elected.
Town Hall Meeting: Trina presented a concern among some parents about the financial future of the school. She would like the PPC to help her in conducting a town hall meeting with the school board members to help address parental concerns. Everyone was in agreement that a town hall meeting could be a really good way to address many parental concerns. Trina will make arrangements. She will ask for help as needs arise. She is hoping to make this happen in the next couple of weeks.
Fundraising and Community Events:
Red Cross Babysitter Certification courses will be June 5th, 12th and 16th.
School Registration: Aug 11 & 12.
PPC providing Otter Pops the last day of school. Leanna already has them in her freezer.
Dates of Importance:
Next meeting will be Monday Aug 3rd at Jennifer Moran’s house. 13195 Sunnyside Rd. Turn onto Coyote Run from Sunnyside.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm